
December 5, 2024
9:30AM - 11:30AM

OPRA Day Array Committee Meeting


OPRA will be holding a Day Array Committee meeting on Thursday, December 5th from 9:30-11:30am.  

We will be hosting guest Keith Banner of DODD. Our other regular guests are unable to join due to the OACB conference and other commitments, so it may be a fairly light agenda.

One thing that will be on the agenda, is the announcement from the US Department of Labor issuing its proposed rule on the phase out of 14(c) certificates. The proposed rule would;

-Require the DOL to cease issuing new certificates as of rule implementation. 

-Require a 3-year phase-out for existing certificate holders (renewal certificates would be issued until the 3-year phase-out ends). 

We will discuss this in depth during the committee meeting.  The proposed rule is open for public feedback through January 17th and will also likely face legal challenges, as well as a change in administration leadership. We will talk about it all on Thursday.  We hope to see you there.  


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